To create a space that reflects you and/or your team’s specific vibe, reinforces individuality, and empowers productivity, we believe it is important to use items that resonate with your energy and represent your unique tastes.
Using crystals, plants, art work,, salt lamps, books and photos are among the items you can use to design an environment that reflects your own special energetic vibe and consciousness, so you can do your most enlightened, powerful work, alone or as a group.
How to Use Crystals
You can keep crystals in your work or personal space, on your person, or in your bag! Some of our favorite crystals are:
Agate: Color – comes in many colors, each with different innate qualities. In general, agate awakens your inherent talents, transforms negativity, and balances the physical and emotional aspects of your being.
Amethyst: Color – crystalline purple. The stone of ultimate spirituality and contentment. It opens your third eye for meditation, developing intuition, and enhancing creativity. This crystal works as an energetic amplifier of intention which helps in manifesting anything in one’s life.
Black Tourmaline: Color – black crystalline. This crystal provides powerful protection, and is excellent for grounding excess energy while it purifies, deflects, and transforms negative energy.
Celestite: Color – crystalline-light blue. This stone brings calmness and harmony. It represents the fairy of good fortune, and transmutes pain into light and love. It enhances connections with guides, Guardian Angels and one’s higher self.
Citrine: Color – crystalline-yellow/gold mixed with clear quartz. Citrine attracts wealth and good fortune, enhances mental focus and clarity, and brings happiness and lightness.
Hematite: Color – metallic silver/black. This stone is excellent for grounding, protection, and memory enhancement.
Honey Dogtooth Calcite: Color – gold crystalline. This powerful crystal works as an amplifier to clear negative energies and activate all the chakras. It helps the mind and body remember soul experiences. It connects emotions with the intellect, calms the mind, teaches discernment, stimulates insights, and boosts memory.
Labradorite: Color – iridescent metallic finish with deep green/blue background. Focused on astral travel and dreamtime healing. Excellent for connecting to other dimensions and spirit guides. Opens lines to intuition and soul consciousness.
Quartz: Color – clear-crystalline, sometimes opaque with occlusions. Quartz is a clearer of negative energy, and magnifies intention for the highest good. It is excellent for meditation, spiritual manifestation/development, and general healing.
Rose Quartz: Color – crystalline-pink, sometimes violet. This is a splendid healing crystal that enhances self-love, a nurturing and beloved purity of self and others, unconditional love, and enhances gentleness of spirit.
What’s your favorite crystal? How do you like to use them in your environments? Share in the comments below.