Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change
Environmental sustainability is near and dear to The Conscious Conformist’s heart. We will focus on potential solutions for healing our planet as opposed to detailing the horrors of climate change we all read about in the news. : )
Solutions to Climate Change
“Drawdown” is the point in time when greenhouse gas concentrations peak in the atmosphere and begin to go down on a year-to-year basis (Paul Hawkins, “Global Warming Solutions”).
The chart below is pulled from Hawkins’ book “Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming.” These proposed solutions are attainable, relevant, and forward-thinking. The Conscious Conformist is extremely impressed with Mr. Hawkins insight and courage in promoting these solutions.
In terms of potential impact, the number one solution is a combination of educating girls and family planning, which together could reduce 120 gigatons of CO2-equivalent by 2050 — more than on- and offshore wind power combined (99 GT). Wow. Just wow. This is very much within our reach as a global society.
Drawdown’s “plausible” scenario does not reach drawdown. Its second, “drawdown” scenario does. Its third, “optimum” scenario, which maxes out all available technologies, accelerates drawdown.
As usual, we would love your productive comments! Please share below.